Well, there's no real relationship there...but I do have a couple short email conversations with him. Regardless, his new release "Perhaps I've Said to Much" is on high rotation on my IPOD. The lyrics are amazing...I love how he goes after some of the prevailing issues in the local church, yet he doesn't seem to exclude himself from the dilema either.
If you have $10, go to Itunes and download it. The songs I'm digging are Light of the World, Greatestneverever, Keeper of the Way, Happy (this song is slightly hilarious and convicting at the same time), Everybody Medicates, and Home (if you're adopting, have adopted, or thinking about it, this song has great perspective).
If you have $10, go to Itunes and download it. The songs I'm digging are Light of the World, Greatestneverever, Keeper of the Way, Happy (this song is slightly hilarious and convicting at the same time), Everybody Medicates, and Home (if you're adopting, have adopted, or thinking about it, this song has great perspective).
I'm think I'm done with your blog. I picked up Ross King's album last week. Awesome! I bought Matthew and Lizi's album; equally great. Itunes is awesomely bad. Those little recommendations on the side pane are dangerous. Last night I blew my CD budget for the rest of the year. I'm now the happy owner of records by Adam Watts, Jeremy Casella, Jeff Caylor and Downhere. Check em out.