“If we only trust Christ to give us gifts and not himself as the all-satisfying gift, then we do not trust him in a way that honors him as our treasure. We simply honor the gifts. They are what we really want, not him. So biblical faith in Jesus must mean that we trust him to give us what we need most—namely, himself. That means that faith itself must include at its essence a treasuring of Christ above all things.” –John Piper, from the book Don’t Waste Your Life
There are many facets of this quote that cause great conviction in my heart.
There are many facets of this quote that cause great conviction in my heart.
One, if I believe this quote to be true (I do), then any sinful sense of material entitlement that I think I have is shattered to pieces.
Two, I hate to think that I honor the gifts he gives me…I would never “literally” bow down and worship my hardwood floors he graced us with in our house. (If you have small children, you know what a blessing these are!) However, when I see those words “honor the gifts,” my heart cringes! When I hold tight to those things instead of clinging to Christ, I am in essence bowing down and worshipping a lesser God…regardless of whether my physical demonstration of that worship is evident or not.
Three, the line between want and need is so blurry in our culture.
Four, would I still worship and follow Christ from here on out if I never received one more physical “blessing” or gift?
This book “Don’t Waste Your Life” is rocking my world. I highly encourage you to pick it up. You can even read it online for free by clicking HERE.
I look at the years of my life leading up to this point and see how many I wasted on trivial things. I don’t want to meet Christ face to face and say that I spent more of the resources he gave me on things of this world than I did on things of his kingdom. That would be a waste of my worship. It would be a waste of this life that is simply “a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.”
This book “Don’t Waste Your Life” is rocking my world. I highly encourage you to pick it up. You can even read it online for free by clicking HERE.
I look at the years of my life leading up to this point and see how many I wasted on trivial things. I don’t want to meet Christ face to face and say that I spent more of the resources he gave me on things of this world than I did on things of his kingdom. That would be a waste of my worship. It would be a waste of this life that is simply “a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.”
timmy, iwas just reading your blog and thought i would write to you and tell you what a creative guy you are. you should make it a point to do an entry everyday if you dont mind. holla at your bro. nick.
ReplyDeleteNice post again, Tim. And, yes too many get caught up in material things. In a marriage you have to remember it's the gift of each other that's most important. Cheers!
ReplyDeleteI'm with your brother on that one babe...would love for you to blog more...great stuff here! I love growing with you and serving our Lord together!