Hey ya'll,
I'm back to blogging after a little hiatus while my family and I went on vacation. My mother-in-law gave us some free tickets to Disney World! Mel's sister lives right across the street from the park, so we had free lodging too! Not to mention, she's a manager at the Maggianos down there in Orlando, so we got free italian food two nights in a row!
Very long road trip...two toddlers and 22 hours to Orlando was crazy! But I must say, my girls did well. We had some little surprises along the way to keep them engaged for the long haul. I think next time we will look for an airline donor (say another grandparent) to hook us up with flights!
Maybe I'll have some pics a little later...
In other news...I'll most likely be moving in a slightly different direction with the blog. Since I am a worship pastor, I still plan on having posts about worship and other stuff along those lines. However, I have realized just how difficult it is to write about worship all the time...so you're likely to see some nonsense posts and more of my family journey here as well. If that sounds really boring to you, you’re welcome to unsubscribe to my blog. Though I don’t think anyone has subscribed to my blog.
I also thought the blog was looking a bit morbid...so I thought I'd brighten it up a bit. I'll be tweaking it along the way, but I like the brighter look.
Think that's all for now...
Oh one last thing...I got a call from a good friend of mine tonight. She got Mel and I tickets to a house show with Ross King. So, in a few weeks, I'll be sitting in a living room with Mr. King discussing the stories behind the songs I posted about a few weeks ago. Good times...